The Brothers Grimm is quite a fairy tale fantasy film set in the 1700's. Having no knowledge of the source material, the film doesn't do too much justice as it was quite confusing and boring all around. The film's premise is promising. The film isn't about the real Brothers Grimm; it's a fairy tale within a fairy tale set during the early Enlightenment, when superstition and mythology still ran rampant. All together the film has decent visuals but the story is lacking and not in the least engaging enough.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
First off...the movie is being marketed as a comedy, which it is not. It is yet another dark Terry Gilliam fantasy that despite a stellar cast, never gets off the ground. Pretty much a convoluted waste of time.
'Sentiment: Negative ☹️'
This movie is very tedious to watch. The story is a "mystery" a 2-year-old could solve and the story could have been told out in 5 minutes. The movie amounts to a couple of hours of endless bumbling and plot conveniences and some really poor CGI effects. The characters are unsympathetic morons that no one could possibly give a crap about and the villain should have been able to be stopped at the first encounter if it wasn't for the pure idiocy of the protagonists. Damon and Ledger are only in it for the paycheck and show no special talent in their performances. The story is forgettable 5 minutes after viewing. A total waste of $80 million! I do not recommend wasting your time on it.